We also publish the materials of our religious studies schools, conferences, seminars, round tables, research. In 2012 we decided to unite them all under one title De Religione.
Below you can find the list of our publications and publications of our partners. Some of them can be downloaded for free.
Dziuba, O., Krishmarel, V., Khromets, V. (eds) (2006) Religious and Secular Education in Ukraine: The Problem of Coexistence. Kyiv [In Ukrainian].
Kyselov, O., Kisla, G., Sereda, G., Vladychenko, L., Sereda, O. (2006) National and Religious Tolerance of Kyiv Students. Kyiv [In Ukrainian].
Fylypovych, L., Khromets, V. (eds) (2007) Mircea Eliade as a Classic of World Religious Studies. Kyiv [In Ukrainian].
Maksutov, I. (ed.) (2008) Man@Religion@Internet. Volgograd [In Russian].
Basauri Ziuzina, A.M., Kyselov, O. (eds) (2008). Judaism: Essence, History, Contemporary Dimensions. Kyiv [In Ukrainian].
Vladychenko, L., Hazyr-Ogly, T. (eds) (2008) Islam: History, Essential Dimensions, and Current Trends. Kyiv [In Ukrainian].
Kyselov, O. (2009) The Phenomenon of Ecumenism in Modern Christianity. Kyiv [In Ukrainian].
Vladychenko, L., Khromets, V. (eds) (2010). Catholicism: Tradition and Modernity. Kyiv [In Ukrainian].
Belokobylsky, A., Kyselov, O. (eds) (2011) Phenomenology of Religion: Between the Sacred and the Profane. Donetsk [In Russian].
Basauri Ziuzina, A.M., Chernoivanenko, V. (eds) (2011) Judaism: A Study of History and Doctrine. Kyiv [In Ukrainian].
Kostylev, P., Kolkunova, K., Folieva, T. (eds) (2011). Religious Studies in the Post-Soviet Region. Moscow [In Russian].
Martynenko, O., Litvinchuk, V. (eds) (2012). Bahá’í Faith: History, Doctrine, and Practice. Kyiv (De Religione. No. 1) [In Ukrainian and Russian].
Karassyova, S., Shatrauski, S. (eds) (2012) Religion and Text: From Practice to Theory. Minsk [In Russian].
Karassyova, S., Shatrauski, S. (eds) (2012) Man and Religion. Minsk [In Russian].
Basauri Ziuzina, A.M. (ed) (2013) Judaism: Gender and Regional Studies. Kyiv [In Ukrainian and Russian].
Shatrauski, S., Kazmiruk, M. (eds) (2015) Religion and/or Everyday Life. Minsk [In Russian].
Shatrauski, S. (ed) (2017) Religion and History. Minsk [In Russian].
Shatrauski, S., Kostylev, P. (eds) (2018). History of Religion. Minsk [In Russian].
Kaplan, I., Kyselov, O. (eds) (2018) New Religions: Theoretical and Practical Issues of Research. Kyiv (De Religione. No. 2) [In Ukrainian and Russian].